Chia Ru Chen
Chia-Ru Chen is a Taiwanese artist living in Taichung. After receiving her B.F.A degree in Sculpture, Installation, and Multimedia from Taipei University, she focuses her lens on the issues of natural environments, and the conflicts between city and countryside. Her works mainly inspired by her hometown; however, her artist residential experiences in South East Asia and Europe also have a significant impact on her.
Her art projects not only explore the meanings of the daily objects and the surroundings as the real presence of now, but considering the path of its history. Chen bases her work on the observations of links between spaces and people in her daily encounters. Bringing art to local communities, she constantly creates artistic works to explore all kinds of possibilities, and let the process of creating be like an open and diverse dialogue. For her,”Art” should be more than a delicate display in the gallery, but a process containing mutual interactions.
2023 《來自北方的露水與茶香》點亮卦山之南 名間茶園音樂藝術節
"Dewdrops and Tea Fragrance from the North", Music Art Festival, Nantou
2023 《豐收藝夏》國立台灣美術館35周年館慶展覽
"Summertime Art Harvest", National Taiwan museum of fine art, Taichung
2023 《流水與漣漪 》印尼Kompas觀光博覽會展覽
" flowing water and ripples" , Indonesia
"The tree’s embrace", Bamboo Festival, Hsinchu
“ Weave the river” Art Project, Ilan Green Expo, Ilan
“My door is the forest”, Bopiliao Historic District, Taipei
“Life and Living”, Bopiliao Historic District, Taipei
2014《衣架》 台北市立大學
“Clothes Hanger”, Taipei university, Taipei
2018 《在開放庇護所的省思》西班牙駐村計畫
“Contemplation Inside An Open Shelter”, Pinea Linea de Costa of Association Cultural, Spain,
Funding from National Culture and Arts Foundation
2018 《社群織衍》國美館科技融藝計畫
”” Taiwan Tech X Art innovation, National Taiwan museum of fine art, Taichung
Art residency in Yogyakarta Indonesia, Funding from National Culture and Arts Foundation
“My Way Back Home”Art project, TTTIFA, YangXi Art & Caffè Cielo, Taipei
“Life and Living: The Art Revival Plan of Cloth Waste ”, TTTIFA, Taipei
Public Art
2023 台西鄉崙豐部落多功能綜合活動中心新建工程公共藝術推廣
2021 太平社會住宅計畫型公共藝術《社區漫遊/N平方生活》
“Community Exploration/N2 Life”Social Housing Public Art, Taichung
2019 大里社會住宅計畫型公共藝術《宅之風景進程》
“From Land to Homescape”Social Housing Public Art, Taichung
2018 豐原社會住宅計畫型公共藝術《物件之島》
“The Island of Things”Social Housing Public Art, Taichung